Saturday, July 20, 2013

100% Correct Answer Freelancer Orientation Test Answer

100% Correct Answer Freelancer Orientation Test Answer
Walaupun freelancer orientation test ini tidak begitu update, tapi lumayan cukup membantu teman-teman untuk menyelesaikan tes exam free ini. Semoga dengan adanya jawaban tes ini dapat membantu meluluskan dan memudahkan dalam mencari project pada situs freelancer. Bagi teman-teman yang ingin daftar freelancer.. Bisa daftar disini

Job Online Freelance adalah  "Work Freely With Bound Rules" (Pekerja Bebas Namun Terikat Dengan Peraturan) Maksudnya adalah anda bekerja sesuai job atau pekerjaan yang anda terima,untuk anda kerjakan dan anda kembangkan tampa campur tangan siapaun karena itu adalah pekerjaan anda sendiri tidak ada yang boleh ikut campur walua itu saudara kita,sama halnya anda bekerja komersial atau nyata,ya... jika anda bekerja di perusaan x perusaan ter sebut memberi anda pekerjaan tentunya anda yang menegerjakan bukan orang lain jika di kerjakan orang lain maka anda melanggar aturan tentunya anda kan mendapat sangsi bisa saja gaji anda tidak akan diberikan sama halnya dengan kerja on-line 100% anda yang mengerjakan jika sudah anda tinggal menyerah kanya dan daptkan hasilnya (1 job ber nilai 80ribu s.d 150ribu)

100% correct answer  Freelancer orientation exam

1.  Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on?
Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard

2. Question: How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer On
Answer:  There is No Cost To Register

3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer: All of these

4. Multiple accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer
Answer: False

5. Question : How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects
Answer: BY any of these Methods

6. Question: What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member?
Answer: 500 Bids Limit

7. Question: How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids?
Answer: All Of These

8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board?
ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding

9. Question: how can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project
Answer: All of these

10. Question: Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left?
Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard

11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these

12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project?
Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox

13. How much does it cost to bid on a project?
Answer: It Depends on the project budget

14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer?
Answer: All of these are correct.

15. Question : Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project?
Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.

16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?
Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid

17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member?
Answer: 50

18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile?
Answer: 100

19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project
Answer: Report the activity to Support

20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these

21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on
Answer: Any of these

22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not?
The employer doesn’t allow feedback

23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method?
Answer:All of these are correct

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