Thursday, November 1, 2012

Video Training XHTML and HTML Essential Training

Video Training XHTML and HTML Essential Training -
Harga asli: $49.95
Harga di Blog ini: Rp 30.000
Format: DVD Rom
Jumlah DVD: 1
Level: Beginner
Cara Pesan

Dalam video tutorial ini, Bill Weinman menjelaskan kepada designer dan coder mengenai XHTML dan HTML yang sering dipakai situs-situs populer di Internet, seperti Blogspot dan Wordpress. Bill dalam video training ini juga menerangkan dengan baik tentang hirarki document, tag paragrap, animasi text, mengatur tabel, menghubungkan gambar, dan sebagainya. Bahkan Bill juga menjelaskan CSS dengan cara tepat, supaya mudah dipahami dan dimengerti. Dengan metode video belajar melalui penjelasan Bill ini, belajar XHTML dan HTML lebih menyenangkan dan langsung bisa diterapkan pada situs Anda.

Introduction Welcome 01m 16s
  • Using the exercise files 01m 23s
  • Choosing a text editor 02m 31s

1. Introducing XHTML and HTML Introducing HTML and XHTML 02m 53s
  • Understanding versions of HTML and XHTML 02m 25s
  • Exploring a simple XHTML page 04m 47s
  • Understanding the structure of an XHTML document 02m 58s
  • Understanding document containers 00m 54s
  • Creating and using templates 01m 49s

2. Text Tags Understanding how empty space is formatted in XHTML 02m 42s

  • Using paragraph tags 02m 42s
  • Aligning paragraphs 02m 49s
  • Understanding block-level and inline tags 01m 24s
  • Controlling line breaks and spaces 05m 43s
  • Formatting text with phrase element tags 03m 28s
  • Formatting text with font markup elements 03m 24s
  • Adding document structure with headings 03m 25s
  • Formatting quotations and quote marks 02m 19s
  • Preserving pre-formatted text 01m 30s
  • Selecting a typeface 04m 33s
  • Selecting a type size 02m 11s
  • Using ordered and unordered lists 05m 54s

3. Image Tags Using inline images 03m 17s

  • Flowing text around an image 02m 04s
  • Breaking lines around an image 02m 27s

4. Link Tags Working with hyperlinks 07m 46s

  • Using relative URLs 03m 05s
  • Specifying a base URL 02m 04s
  • Linking within a page using fragments 04m 28s
  • Creating image links 05m 11s

5. Tables Introducing tables 04m 37s

  • Formatting tables with CSS 08m 50s
  • Aligning images with tables 05m 07s
  • Reviewing an alternative solution using CSS 04m 22s

6. Frames Introducing frames 07m 56s

  • Hiding frame borders 03m 15s
  • Creating inline frames using iFrame 03m 20s

7. Forms Introducing forms: part 1 10m 37s

  • Introducing forms: part 2 07m 45s
  • Using CGI with forms 02m 28s

8. CSS Introducing CSS 03m 11s

  • Understanding levels of inheritance 06m 10s
  • Learning CSS syntax 11m 23s
  • Using units of measure in CSS 04m 58s

9. Creating a Simple Web Page from Scratch Comparing table layout and CSS layout 01m 25s

  • Exploring the finished web site 02m 37s
  • Building a document header 08m 18s
  • Placing a banner and a contact button 08m 13s
  • Laying out a main menu 06m 55s
  • Creating a layout template: main body area 13m 31s
  • Creating a layout template: sidebar area 05m 17s
  • Creating a layout template: footer content 04m 46s
  • Building a main home page: main body content 11m 24s
  • Building a main home page: sidebar content 08m 52s
  • Creating a page with a menu, graphics, and formatted links 13m 26s
  • Creating a page containing an ordered list 06m 44s
  • Creating a page containing video 10m 45s
  • Touring the finished site 03m 45s


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